• Lumene CC Color Correcting Cream - Tonālais krēms
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Focus on Ukraine


The heart of MAKEUP is located in Ukraine. And today it depends on us whether it will beat.


MAKEUP.UA is the leader in the Ukrainian beauty market. A large office is located here and there are thousands of employees who are fighting for the future of their country right now. They have always supported true international values and continue to do so, no matter what.

Now all forces are directed to survive in the war against the aggression that broke into our world, bringing sorrow and destruction. MAKEUP supports Ukraine, together with partner brands, transferring help to volunteers. 


In recent days, we also often receive questions and offers to help from our caring customers. We are grateful for your personal involvement and your willingness to support our beautiful country. 


We have collected useful information on how to help the Ukrainian army and people who have suffered from act of war. If you want to support Ukraine with us, follow the links below.

The single special fundraising account for humanitarian aid to Ukraine

The single special fundraising account to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Humanitarian Aid Delivery Project "Humanitarian Nova Poshta"

Humanitarian aid to Ukraine


Let's support peace in Ukraine, support beauty.

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